Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Waiting for Dusk (Book Review + Giveaway!)

Hi there!

*all my reviews are completely honest and not influenced by anyone else*

I read this book on request of the author. It’s called Waiting for Dusk by Nancy Pennick, and it’s the first in a trilogy.

The book follows Katie, who is feeling pretty bored in her summer holiday. All of that changes when she picks up a back and realizes it takes her back in time, and meets the boy of her dream. Is it all a dream, or is she really time traveling? Determined to find the truth and willing to leave the real world behind, has Katie gone too far this time? And will her waking up and finding her book missing change anything?

I thought the plot was a great idea and I loved reading about it. I have been reading quite a few books with romance in them which I don’t usually do :3 But I think this was one romance where it is does happen a little fast, but over the course of the novel you can see how sincere it is. I approve of time travel as well, seeing as I am an avid Doctor Who fan xD This was a different spin on it, but still nice to read.

Katie was a character who at first I didn’t like and then I began to love. When she’s bored with her holiday she sounds a bit spoilt, but gradually she grows up and we can see her forming a determined, passionate and risk taking character. She would do anything for the people she loves. And I don’t just mean the love interest – I also mean her family and friends. She also has a difficult thing to deal with which is an almost stalker-ish boy who won’t let her alone. I think Pennick managed to handle this concept and idea well.

Sometimes the style seemed a bit off putting to me. Katie travels into the past and has no trouble adjusting to the olden ways. And sometimes the emotions seemed to change too suddenly or someone was just a bit too easily convinced with a few words. But other than that, it’s the only fault I can find in this!

In general this was a good book with a lovely cover! I would suggest it to girls mostly, because the romance element was a large portion of it. But it was super fun to read and I would give it a three stars!
Giveaway: -Open internationally
http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/f2a15e3113/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway

Olivia’s Question: If you could time travel, what time would you want to go visit?

Olivia-Savannah x


  1. Thank you for hosting me, Olivia. You captured the essence of the book in your review. That's exactly what I hoped readers would pick up on, Katie's growth throughout the book and how she learned the importance of family and friends.

    1. It's my pleasure! You did a good job of showing what you wanted to through the story :)

  2. Hi there - Time travel has always been an interesting topic to me. I think I'd really enjoy this book. Thanks for the review. Question - If you could time travel, where would you go and why? :)

    1. I hope you do get a chance to read it then! I would probably go back to the disco times or Victorian era!

    2. I would go to the Grand Canyon in 1927 to really see it during that time period! :)

  3. This looks like an interesting book. I love the idea of time travel. If I could time travel, I would go back to the 1950s.

    1. I'd agree, time travel is an awesome idea!

    2. I love that this post had made everyone think about time traveling! We just need a TARDIS, Olivia.
      Teressa, 1950s would be awesome.

  4. I'd have to be in a certain mood to read a romance novel but I love story lines when the character travels to a different time or space. I think I'll pick up the book for a light read (if I have the time).

    And as for Diane's question, instead of traveling through time, I'd rather go to a different world/dimension filled with mythical/fantastical creatures and people.

    1. I hope you do! The idea of going to another dimension is one I hadn't thought of! Nice answer ^^

    2. lidy, I am so happy you'd consider my book. Thanks! Different worlds/dimensions are good for time travel.

  5. Great post and review!!! I really enjoyed reading it!!

    If I could travel anywhere in time, I would love to go back to the Oregon Trail or to the 1973 running of the Belmont, when Secretariat won the Triple Crown. :D

    1. That sounds like a great time to go back to!

    2. Thanks, Jess. You sound adventurous! Oregon Trail would require more than I'm up for! :)

  6. Yes, you can buy the ebook on Amazon!

  7. This looks very Outlander-ish! I might give it a go =) I love time traveling, I really would love to go back to the Shakespearean time to be able to see all the plays (I'm a freak like that hahahaha)

    1. Thanks, Noelia! I'm reading Outlander right now. It, of course, is more adult theme than my young adult book, but I hope you'd enjoy it.

    2. I think it would be cool to be able to see those plays first hand!

  8. Thanks for wanting to read it, Akhy!

  9. Time travel is definitely a weakness of mine. I have read and watched so many books and shows because it has time travel in it.

    I now have a sudden urge to rewatch A Kid in King Arthur's Court.

    I stopped watching Doctor Who a few seasons ago but I have only heard good things about Peter Capaldi on Tumblr so I may have to see see if the hype is worth it.


    1. I think time travel is such an interesting concept, I am much like you when it comes to that :) I have kept up with Doctor Who, and if you try one I hope you like it! (I am a Whovian for life xD)

  10. I do enjoy time travel stories! Thanks for telling us about this one!

  11. Great review! I'm the opposite--most of the books I read have some kind of romance in them and I rarely read one that doesn't ;-D
    Great question, too! If I could time-travel, I'd go to the future to check it out (and maybe take home some stock market tips, too!)!

    1. Haha, planning ahead right? I guess that's how you benefit from time travel the most ;)

  12. Oh time traveling books are a lot of fun! But they can be frustrating too mostly for the little things you mentioned like fitting in too easily in another time or weird plot holes that have to do with time traveling itself. It sounds like this one is pretty entertaining overall, though! Great review, Olivia! :)

    1. Yeah, even though time travel is a fun subject, it is also one which is hard to get completely right. But this was fun to read!

  13. Hi Olivia!! First off, thank you so much for visiting my blog! I love meeting new bloggers :D haha, I like your voice in the review and honesty. It's pretty rare that I don't appreciate then suddently begin to love a character to that's interesting. Time-travel has never been my cup of tea to be honest. I mean...I tried many but rarely did I give more than 3 stars. We shall se for Outlander though :D Great review, girl!

    1. I think it's great that you are still trying books about time travel just to give them another chance! I hope you do enjoy outlander.

  14. On the other hand, I very rarely read books that are without some romance XP This one sounds interesting enough. Time Travel! Yay! I added it to my TBR shelf.

    1. I hope you like it when you get round to reading it! Romance is always good, in my opinion <3

  15. I haven't heard of this one but time travel books are really interesting. I'm not sure I'd like that romance though. I mean I don't like when it happens to fast. Also I'm glad that you've got to like the main character at the end. Great review, Olivia :)

    1. I can understand - instalove isn't appealing, and while this book wasn't quite that, it was a little too fast as well. Time travel is an interesting subject!

  16. I read a YA time travel trilogy earlier this year and enjoyed it immensely, so I'm going to add this one to my TBR list. Thanks for the review! :O)

  17. Definitely into my English teacher's childhood period. One day, she was telling us about about how we're so unlucky and how in her childhood, she went to to the movies and played around at school and all the world's were forgotten like last night's dream. There was just one thing I really wanted to know, where is this book set? Other than that, this is a good review. It was short, yet got more or less the story across.

    1. Haha then it would definitely be interesting to go see that time! This book was set in America, by the Grand Canyon.
