Saturday, 18 October 2014

Poetry Love - Dead Poets Society 4/5


I hope you have been enjoying our weekly posts about life lessons we can gather from the Dead Poets Society movie. Last weekend we were talking about perspective, but this week I would like to talk about why we write poetry.

I think the movie sums this up pretty much itself which is why I have included it’s quote here. I write poetry myself, and I know it’s a way or releasing my emotions, giving a little bit of myself to the words so that people can know my thoughts and opinions, or sometimes just to create a new form of beauty. (If the writing goes well, that is :P)

I have included some lovely quotes from poems! I hope you enjoy them, and feel inspired to try your hand in poetry as well ;) I haven't written much for this post, but these words speak for themselves.

Ongoing giveaway: (Don't forget to check the terms and conditions!)" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway

Olivia’s Question: Do you read poetry? What’s your favourite poem?

Olivia-Savannah x
Disclaimer: All images are not mine and are found on Pinterest,


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with poetry. I like it alright but most of the time I have a hard time reading it and my teachers and professors haven't made things easier all these years because they have a tendency of over-analysing everything and sometimes I don't think half of the things they say the poet is trying to express with the poems are true, and it really bothers me. So yeah, love/hate relationship

    1. Eh, that is the bad thing about studying poetry in class. I hate the over analyzing thing as well >< I understand ^^

    2. Oh, that's exactly right! I think I may have enjoyed poetry more except for it is always so over analyzed. And then, quite frankly, there are some that I just don't get. :)

    3. Yes, there are also some poems that I don't understand too. But then again, like novels, there are also some I can't understand!

    4. Yep! Happens all the time and is frustrating =( anyways, I've nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award (

    5. Oh and I have yet to do the other one as well! Thanks though <3

  2. Poetry! I'm not very strong in poetry but I agree that poetry is an beautiful form of writing.
    That quote from the movie made me laugh XD I'm studying law.
    Love those extracts! The first one (because it is on nature!) and Maya Angelou. If is such a powerful poem. I knows those words by heart.

    1. Hehe I think every pursuit is noble in itself ^^ I know you love nature <3 If is one of my top favourites. Can't love that any more than I already do!

  3. Thanks for sharing those poems. I like poetry but I find that it's easier to find more bad poetry than good which is what puts me off it. I think in school, we do tend to over analyse poetry and I never really liked most of the poems selected. I liked the Mary Elizabeth Fyre poem that you have selected. I really like the message.

    1. Yes, sometimes you do have to dig pretty deep to find a good poem, and that does make it a bit harder.

  4. Great poems and thoughts about the weeping for not there

  5. One of the most beautiful and meaningful movies ever created. And Robin Williams! How can we not love this movie.

    1. Agreed! Such a lovely film, definitely one of my favourites.

  6. The written word reveals so much and is great inspiration.

  7. Such wonderful poems! I absolutely love the do not stand one! That's one of my favourite poems and I want it read at my funeral. I also really like Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, the Matched series made me fall in love with that poem.

    1. I remember that poem being in Matched! Robert Frost is one of my favourite poets <3 The one by Mary Frye is beautiful.

  8. Replies
    1. Sometimes - I wasn't big fan when I was younger, but as O grow older, I appreciate it more. Especially when I have to make lesson plans - poetry is the best material. :)
