Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Bridge of Deaths (Blog Tour & Giveaway!)

Hi there!

Welcome to the Bridge of Deaths tour! I will be writing an honest book review for you, as I usually do. Stay tuned for the tour wide giveaway below! The Bridge of Deaths is MCV Egan’s book that manages to combine politics, history and an amazing mystery in one.
Blurb: On August 15th, 1939, an English passenger plane from British Airways Ltd. 
crashed in Danish waters between the towns of Nykøbing Falster and Vordingborg. There were five casualties reported and one survivor. Just two weeks before, Hitler invaded Poland.
With the world at the brink of war, the manner in which this incident was investigated left much open to doubt. The jurisdiction battle between the two towns and the newly formed Danish secret police created an atmosphere of intrigue and distrust.
The Bridge of Deaths is a love story and a mystery. Fictional characters travel through the world of past life regressions and information acquired from psychics as well as archives and historical sources to solve "one of those mysteries that never get solved." Based on true events and real people, The Bridge of Deaths is the culmination of 18 years of sifting through conventional and unconventional sources in Denmark, England, Mexico and the United States. The story finds a way to help the reader feel that she is also sifting through data and forming their own conclusions.

Review: I have one thing to say though: this book wasn’t for me. I honestly think it was more of a personal thing than anything else. There was a lot of mention of psychics and reincarnation and I don’t believe any of that myself, so I already felt a bit skeptical about it all.

I think the idea of the plot was quite a clever idea. An unsolved mystery in the past, where the reincarnated versions of some of the victims were haunted by nightmares of the incident. Maggie, Bill and Catalina are eager to solve the case, many years after its occurrence, with very little information to go on. As well as that, the mystery goes into the emotional and scientific aspects of things.

I loved Maggie’s character the most. She’s young and free, looking for the perfect man and building herself up. She’s scared of what the past might unlock for her, and yet she isn’t going to run away but stand by Bill and her new found friend Catalina to dig their way through this together. I have to admire her bravery, which is one of the things that draws me to her.

There is a little bit of romance of this, but it is very simplistic and to the point. You can tell the romance isn’t the main element of this story because it isn’t drawn out or exaggerated or anything. And I liked that. I thought it was nice for a change.

As for the style, this fell a little bit flat for me. We got a lot of names (when you’re dealing with history you do get this a lot) and I felt myself getting confused as to who was who at some points. On top of that, seeing as this is a historical mystery and we’re dealing with past events there is a lot of information involving the case to be taken in. Sometimes I felt like I was getting an information overload :/

Overall, I would have to give this book a three out of five stars. I think other people might like it if they have different beliefs from me though! And for those who don’t mind a bit of non-fiction meddling with the fiction.
Interview: Where did you get the inspiration for this novel?
My, mom’s dad died twenty years before I was born. He travelled a lot in an era when few did and growing up my home was full of interesting art, books and a number of unique things that made him a viable presence in my life. As I got older the story of his death felt hollow and incomplete that was the fuel stirring the fires of my curiosity that inspired The Bridge of Deaths.
What's your favourite thing about the new cover?
I love the watch, in both the front and back cover. It is such an intricate part of the story as it is the real one the one the psychics held to feel what they pictured, by the use of psychometry. I kept it sealed for about ten years because when we opened the inside it looked to shiny new and clean, always with the idea of a lab testing it, but in the end it was just waiting to be an even greater part of the book.
Who is your favourite character and why?
I love to answer this question! MAGGIE and she is my favorite because she is the only main character who was born and formed entirely in my mind. I also love that she strives for world peace and believes in it. I like that she believes that KNOWLEDGE is the key to an awareness that might help us prevent future wars. I am a ‘wanna be pacifist’ I am not as brave as Maggie or as full of conviction, but I learned a lot from her. I also love her wild friends in my new epilogue.
What is one thing you learned about your writing as you wrote this?
I think what I learned applies to anyone who wants to write. The themes of love, peace, war, betrayal are nothing new, but as individuals we all have our own individual voice and telling a tale with our own unique voice will always make it new.
Do you have anything you want to say to your readers?
THANK YOU! I am so in awe of the reviews, the private messages with fantastic comments and questions, thank you for taking the time to read my work.

M.C.V. Egan is the pen name chosen by Maria Catalina Vergara Egan. Catalina was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1959, the sixth of eight children, in a traditional Catholic family.
From a very young age, she became obsessed with the story of her maternal grandfather, Cesar Agustin Castillo--mostly the story of how he died.

She spent her childhood in Mexico. When her father became an employee of The World Bank in Washington D.C. in the early 1970s, she moved with her entire family to the United States. Catalina was already fluent in English, as she had spent one school year in the town of Pineville, Louisiana with her grandparents. There she won the English award, despite being the only one who had English as a second language in her class.

In the D.C. suburbs she attended various private Catholic schools and graduated from Winston Churchill High School in Potomac, Maryland in 1977. She attended Montgomery Community College, where she changed majors every semester. She also studied in Lyons, France, at the Catholic University for two years. In 1981, due to an impulsive young marriage to a Viking (the Swedish kind, not the football player
kind), Catalina moved to Sweden where she resided for five years and taught at a language school for Swedish, Danish, and Finnish businesspeople. She then returned to the USA, where she has lived ever since. She is fluent in Spanish, English, French and Swedish.

Maria Catalina Vergara Egan is married and has one son who, together with their five-pound Chihuahua, makes her feel like a full-time mother. Although she would not call herself an astrologer she has taken many classes and taught a few beginner classes in the subject.

The celebrated her 52nd birthday on July 2nd, 2011, and gave herself self-publishing The Bridge of Deaths as a gift.
Find M.C.V. Egan and The Bridge of Deaths on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and online.

Giveaway! Win 1 of 5 ecopies of the book, 1 of 3 pocketwatches, or a 75 dollar Amazon giftcard (INT) or 2 autographed paperback book copies! (US/Canada)

-Open internationally
-Blog tour wide giveaway

http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/22bd3a2a25/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway

Olivia’s Question: Do you believe in reincarnation? Who would you have liked to have been in your past?

Olivia-Savannah x


  1. New cover is fun, and no, I don't think reincarnation is possible, because I am a christian

    1. I like the new cover a lot too. I am a fellow Christian, so I would agree with you there ;)

  2. Hi Olivia - Sounds quite different. I liked the interview. :)

  3. Thanks so much for the giveaway. great interview.

  4. Hi Olivia, Thank you for your honest review, I loved how you were very fair and I really respect your beliefs. I love being your guest. I hope you can post your review on AMAZON . A lot of my favorite reviews are like yours just very honest! Hope your reads win . I am sorry I did not swing by yesterday, but I was under the weather, will share everywhere today. Thank you again!

    1. It's okay, of course :D I hope you are feeling better now! I would love to post it on there too, as soon as I can figure how to ^^ It was a pleasure hosting for you! <3

  5. Hi, Olivia!

    Great interview and review there. But just like what you said in your review, this book is not for me. The plot is great, I guess, but it's just not my cup of tea.

    1. I can understand where you are coming from :) Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Psychics and reincarnation you got my attention, I love anything to do with these type of reads. I think both myself and hubbie would enjoy this one xx

  7. This book looks very cool! I entered the giveaway- hope I win!

  8. Reincarnation is definitely a very interesting idea. I would have liked to experience so many parts from the past. I love history quite a lot.

    I also wanted to let you know that I tagged you in my nail polish tag: http://catsfika.blogspot.ro/2014/09/the-nail-polish-tag.html

  9. Thanks for tagging me! I think this book might be for you then!

  10. Hi Olivia
    Thank you for this really great giveaway,I hope you will check out my blog often I have big blogoversary giveaway starting tomorrow(27.9.2014)

    1. I will be sure to check it out! You're blog is awesome :)

  11. After you mentioned you took part in this tour as well, I had to come check it out! Even though it wasn't for you, you wrote a lovely review all the same. Kudos!

    1. Thank you! Hehe, it's great to know you as a blogger ;)

  12. Heyo!
    The book sounds really interesting. A mixture of true incidents and reincarnation. Very different!

  13. I don't believe in reincarcementswotsit and if I had to have someone, I would have my current best friend, just for in the period where I was friendless for while. I loved how you included all those types of text, interview, blurb, review, etc. It gave us lots of information in different ways. There's only one thing. Maybe I'm just silly for not noticing. But I think I missed what the reincarcmentwatsits had to do with the actual story. I know it's in there and people tell them, but in the blurb, I got the impression the book was about a plane crash. Where there reincarcentwatsis about the dead in the flight or why the plane crashed? Apart from that, I loved all the information and honest opinion.

    1. Yes, it has to do with history but this links with reincarnation. Maybe I should've mentioned how the two relate better. It was great to be part of the blog tour and able to include all those things!
