Saturday, 2 August 2014

Chasing China!

Hi there guys! The other day I hit 500 Bloglovin' followers, woohoo! Thank you for that :D Celebratory giveaways shall be coming soon...

So, I thought it was high time I explained why I suddenly took a three week break from blogging! I was on holiday :3 I went all the way to Xi'an, in China, and loved every moment! Initially I was very nervous because I was 15 and flying all the way over there... ALONE. But it worked out perfectly fine in the end. I would love to share a lot of pictures with you, but because of internet safety reasons concerning the people I was with, I only have a few!

A picture of the hands and names of the friends I made :)

It was a great trip because I got to go to the city center and got to talk to the locals, which was awesome. That way we got a good taste of culture and got to see the lifestyle of people here. It was nice to know strangers were curious about us and willing to take the time out of our day to show us China at heart :)

I did some awesome things I didn't expect to do, like have my first full body massage (super relaxing), see the terracotta warriors (super old and super interesting! Especially the historical story behind their making.) and went to a Muslim Market where I learnt how to bargain.

I met some awesome people and formed really close friends that I definitely want to keep in contact with! They helped me know what to buy and what not, what foods to try and of course, taught me how to use chopsticks ^^ I have to say, food wise, China has the best Fanta (the flavours!), milk, dumplings and burgers ever.

I would go again in the blink of an eye if I could!

Picture time :D

            The food was amazing!

Sometimes there were strange flavours of ice cream. This one is mayonnaise, beans and then peas. I didn't try this one...

Turntable meals are fun!

We were staying in dorms on campus. It was absolutely beautiful with the mountains in the distance.

The warriors!

This is the beginning of the Muslim Market. It gets busier :)
Olivia's Question: If you could go to China, where would you go and what would you want to see?

Olivia-Savannah x


  1. China is one of the places on my bucket list. I would love to witness their culture!
    Great pictures, Olivia. The food looks great! Did you try anything exotic?

    1. You should go for it ^^ I am sure you would enjoy it! Apart from what was mentioned, the furthest I got in exoticness was dragonfruit and squid rings. The latter was not a favourite of mine >.>

  2. Wow this seems amazing. I'd love to visit Chine as it's a really foreign culture to me. (I have actually never tasted Chinese food). So I'm so happy you had a great time there. Also congrats on your followers :))

    1. Never tasted Chinese food? D: I thought I had from takeaways and all that but it was completely different when I get there. You should definitely try and go ^.^

      Thank you <3

  3. Wow what a lovely opportunity to travel to China! Your pictures are lovely, I really want to travel to Asia once. Congratulations on the 500 Bloglovin followers!

  4. Congratulation on your bloglovin milestone!!
    China sounds awesome and it's a place I always wished to visit. Maybe I will someday... but the mayo ice-cream? I try all sort of weird foods, but that one really makes me stomach twitch.

    1. Thank you :D That was the one that was a little bit too far out there for me to even try. Haha, I hope you do go someday!

  5. Aw man, making me so hungry. Great to hear you had a good trip

  6. Wow, it seems like you had an amazing trip. I don't know if I could go all that way by myself, I would be so nervous. I have never even thought of visiting China, I am not sure why because it has such a rich history.

    1. Haha, I bet you could! And as you said, the history spans back a really long time. It's amazing!

  7. Wow what an incredible trip for you! I'm so glad you were able to appreciate it!

  8. Congratulations lovely! I nominated you for the beautiful blog award! <3

  9. I'm not really sure, I don't really now China, but somewhere with Neon lights and the warriors sound pretty cool! I love how the words and pictures were dotted here and there. It looked really creative yet not a mess. What where you doing in China? Where were you in China?

    1. It is a cool place to be. I am glad you like the layout ^.^ I was working with the university students and at orphanages in a summer camp type program, in Xi'an.

  10. You have had a pretty cool summer. Portugal and China... I have vacation envy. The food looks so delicious.

  11. Ahhhh! I've been to Xi'an too and saw the Terracotta Warrior Soldiers as well. I taught in Tianjin, China but we took a weekend to travel a bit. Did you get the book signed by the farmer?

    1. I thought they were so interesting to see! I didn't get a book signed from the farmer. But we did get some miniature statues of our own!
