Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Angeions (Book Review) & Giveaway!

Hi there everyone!

You guys should go check out my first guest post over on Words Unlimited!

Today I am going to be reviewing an ebook called ‘Angeions’ by Inspirus Mwanake. I picked this up because the author himself asked me to review this. Regardless of this, it doesn’t affect the review whatsoever, because I always review honestly.

This books is about Nick, who meets Aella after having a mysterious dream. Once he finds her, his world spirals into one where magic, war, and spiritual realms exist. Where Gods and Fallen angels battle each other on earth, against the human’s knowledge. Once his eyes have been open to all this, Nick has a choice to make. Which side will he battle on? Will the beautiful Angeion (human beings with the ability to free their spirits from their bodies and manipulate the forces of nature in amazing ways) Aella affect his decision, or will the villain Aquarius writhe his way into his heart?

When it comes to the characters, I was slowly drawn in. Aella is a character you can fall in love with quickly. She’s ladylike and graceful, but you wouldn’t want to cross her in a fight because she definitely knows how to kick butt! She loves her family, but when she is faced with her own choice when it comes to love, she struggles more than she thought she would. I think it was the perfect way to show it can be difficult to accept love at first, especially the type that doesn’t just relate to family. She was my favourite character, and I believe she developed the most throughout the story as well. Nick was a good character, but apart from the beginning and then, we don’t read too much into his point of view, so I couldn’t quite match him to her.

As for the plot… at first I thought it was going along the basic storyline. Then at one point the plot hook sunk right into me and I was drawn on from there. We get some lovely flashbacks with supply a lovely backstory to the characters (gotta love backstory ^^) and the suspense got to me! There was an amazing plot twist which I would’ve never seen coming, and had me staring at my kindle for a while, begging for it to not be true! I won’t give any spoilers though, so you will have to see for yourself ;)

The setting isn’t wonderfully described, but the new concept of Anegions as a being made up for it. Learning the extent of their abilities and the possibilities was a great journey. There was also some biblical references I believe, which you can dig out for yourself ^.^ I think the thing that struck me the most was how much darkness there was in this world, and the fact that only a few good things came from it.

Overall, I would rate this book a three out of five stars because took a while for the hook to sink in. Not that it was a slow beginning, but it just wasn’t as captivating as the middle or the end.

Giveaway rules:
This is open internationally


Ongoing giveaways (also open internationally, and you must be 12+ to enter)

Olivia’s Question: If you could be any supernatural creature, which would you be, and why?

Olivia-Savannah x
Disclaimer: all images are not mine, and found on Pinterest.


  1. Hi there! I just wanted to say a huge thanks for all the kind comments you've been putting on my reviews! I have replied to them all, but I don't know if you'd have been notified, so I thought I'd just let you know :)

    I love your blog theme by the way :) I hope to hear from you soon!

    1. No problem. I love reading it all! And thank you for letting me know about your replies.

  2. Hi Olivia - I appreciate your review! Also, the cover on this book doesn't necessarily draw me in.

  3. Sorry it had a bit of a slow beginning before it finally hooked you

    1. Yeah, that was a bit of a shame but I am glad it picked up!

  4. I'd almost certainly want to be a fairy. Who doesn't want to be a small person and fly around?

    I'm currently reading this book so this was very interesting to read. I absaloutley adored your character descriptions and I love your honest ratings. Maybe next time you could find a way to incoperate your answer into your blog because I'm extremely curious about your answers.

    1. Haha I can totally imagine you as a fairy! And if it would make you happy, I'll try to!

  5. Congrats on your first Guest Post!

    As for the book, I'm not exactly sure if I'd be reading this. It does sound okay, but also a little bit confusing, but thanks for your review!

    Also, I'd be a witch!

    Anatea @ Anatea's Bookshelf

    1. Thank you! It's always interesting to see everyone's different answers.

  6. I think the cover is rich in symbolism: the cup, the rays and the definite boundaries. Saw the mention on GoodReads. luann (dot) braley (at) gmail (dot) com.

    1. Thank you for coming over when you saw it! Yes, there is a lot of symbolism in the cover.

  7. Hey gorgeous, love your blog so I decided to pass the torch and nominate you for Liebster Awards. Head over to http://www.asecretreadinggarden.co.uk/2014/08/amazing-i-have-been-nominated-for.html and see what you all the details :)

  8. Hi, Olivia! Thanks for your comments and for checking out my interview and giveaway over at http://sistersinisterspeaks.blogspot.com/ !!

  9. "Stars can't shine without darkness" cover is beautiful. My email address is koukkunokka@anvianet.fi. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Your welcome~ I hope it goes well for you. I also really like that quote <3

  10. email addy is patanne.walker@hotmail.co.uk

  11. thanks for the giveaway! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  12. Hey there Olivia! What an awesome give away! I know I’ve been a bad blogger, I have been so far behind and I haven’t even been able to get any of my photos edited from my photo shoots! I promise to do my best not to miss any of your awesome posts!

    1. I'm sure you'll manage to find the time to sometime soon! I bet you'll have those great posts up and running in not time ^.^ Don't worry about me and my blog over here and do what you need to do ^.^

  13. I'll have to go and check your guest post! :) Anyhow, I haven't heard of this one and it sounds like a really interesting read. I like the sound of the characters and plot seems interesting too. Some books take time to get into, but I'm glad you did. Great review, Olivia :)

    1. Thank you! It definitely was something new and varied than I am used to. I am glad to know you enjoy my reviews ^.^

  14. Nice review

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com
