Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The Legacy (Blog Tour & Review)

Hey there!

*all reviews are honest and not influenced by anyone*

I am reviewing The Legacy by Melissa Delport for the Blog Tour I signed up for! My very first blog tour as well :3 I have to say, I wasn’t expecting this book to exceed my expectations, but it did. I loved it every minute I was reading!
One man obsessed with power.
One woman prepared to sacrifice everything to stop him.
One war that changed the world.
“World War Three lasted twelve days. Twelve days was all it took for mankind to devastate the planet and almost eradicate the human race. No victor emerged from the ashes and billions lost their lives.
We survivors lived through the bleakest of winters. A primal existence became the new order, and the little that remained of our humanity hung in the balance.
Then one man stood up and changed the world. I believed, as did everyone else, that he was the hero of our time, the man who had saved us from our own demise. His name is Eric Dane and he is the President of the New United States of America. 
He is also my husband, and my greatest enemy.
I grew up oblivious to the truth, until my father found me when I was nineteen years old. He told me about the many horrifying facts that our new leader kept hidden from us. And he told me that beyond the borders the Resistance grew and fought for freedom from the oppression that Eric Dane had imposed on us.
My name is Rebecca Davis. I am twenty-six years old, and in me the Resistance has found the ultimate weapon.”
A narrative of good and evil, love and passion, right and wrong – and at the centre of the story a strong woman who is prepared to sacrifice everything for the cause she believes in.
The Legacy is an action-packed, adrenalin-inducing thrill ride which will leave you riveted long after you have turned the last page.

The book is about Rebecca, who is married to the President of New America in a post-apocalyptic world, and is First Lady. But she doesn’t love her husband at all. In fact, she secretly hates him and is working with an those outside the fence to bring him down. But this is going to be a lot harder than everyone thought when powers come into the story. As well as love, family, friendships and above all, betrayals…

Okay, as far as the plot goes this was amazing! I love reading YA but sometimes it all seems so same-y and you never get anything different. In this book we have a Rebecca undercover, which is a bit of a new aspect of a plot to me. There were also multiple plot twists, including a huge one at the end which I won’t give away. The ending has me tingling and I really can’t wait to get my ha 
nds on the second book as well. Because this book kept me on my toes, never sure what would happen next, I loved it.

The beginning wasn’t my favourite bit because I felt like there were some things Rebecca should’ve already known after living undercover for so long, but from the beginning it only gets better. Reed, admittedly, is my favourite character. He’s someone who is confident, playful and daring. Yet he does have a sincere side to him, but it’s just harder to pull out. His snarky comments and cool attitude definitely made him my fave.

Yes, there is a bit of a love triangle in here. But it kind of works for this book and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. It didn’t get annoying or too boring at any point.

I was happy to read this! It kept me captivated all the way through, and definitely earns the full five stars from me!


Wife and mother of 3, Melissa Delport is the author of The Legacy Trilogy and the stand-alone self-published e.books Rainfall and The Traveler.
She graduated from the University of South Africa with a Bachelor’s Degree in English in 2000
At the age of twenty-four Melissa started a logistics company (Transmax) from the spare room of her flat and built it up to two fully operational depots in Durban and Johannesburg. Now, 10 years later, she has sold her business in order to write full time.
Melissa lives with her husband and three children in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
The Legacy (book 1 of The Legacy Trilogy) and The Legion (book 2) are available now and the final book, The Legend, will be released early 2015.
An avid reader herself, Melissa finally decided to stop ‘watching from the sidelines’ and to do what is her passion.
“I was driving home from work when inspiration struck, and a storyline started unravelling in my head. For a few days it was all I could think about and eventually I realised that the only way to get it out of my head, was to put it all down on paper. I started writing, and that was that.
Amazon.com - HERE
Amazon.co.uk - HERE
Barnes & Noble - HERE
Kobo - HERE
The Legacy Trilogy Website: www.thelegacytrilogy.com
Publisher’s website: www.traceymcdonaldpublishers.com
Twitter Hashtag for the book blog tour: #TheLegacyBlogTour

Olivia’s Question: Would you sacrifice yourself for someone you loved?

Olivia-Savannah x


  1. This seems much more like the kind of YA stuff I would actually enjoy reading. I appreciate that I'm far too old to be reading it, which is why so much of it seems a bit silly to me. Thanks for the review!

    1. I think although sometimes the style of YA can seem childish, there is absolutely nothing wrong with adults reading YA!

  2. Oh congrats on the first blog tour! :) I truly hope you'll take part in others as I love being part of book tours. But I also love it that this one kept you captivated as I love books that do that. I haven't heard of this one but it'll go on my TBR list now ;) Great review, Olivia.

    1. Thank you! It is a great thing to be part of, and hope to participate in more :D This book was so good, I was up reading it late at night!

  3. This story sounds different and very interesting! Thanks for telling me about this, Olivia. Great review! :)

  4. Wow! This sounds like really exciting. Do you think it would make a good movie? :)

  5. This actually seems like a good book and very exciting. I also get tired of reading the same old YA books. Wish more were different like this one is. Awesome review! ^.^

    1. You should try it out and see for yourself. And I can understand how you feel with quite a few YA books being samey...

  6. May I know what does a Blog Tour do? This is my first time hearing about it. And for the review, it seems the like a Dystopian yet from a very different perspective and point of view. It sounds interesting, being the first lady, that is plotting against her so-to-speak husband--the President. Great stuff!

    1. It is a really cool book. I'll head over to your blog and let you know what a blog tour is.

  7. First blog tour is always exciting! But I don't participate in them much anymore. I hate when I HAVE TO review something. I like more having the freedom to review or not review book if I feel like it. I also always feel bad when I don't like the book, and it was part of the blog tour.

    This sounds like a pretty interesting book, but the love-triangle kind of puts me off, but nevertheless, great review!

    1. It was exciting for me. I understand what you mean though, about not liking a book when it is on a promotional tour.

  8. This sounds really interesting! I must agree that I'm looking for something a bit different in YA, so I just might have to add this to my never-ending TBR. Thanks Olivia!

  9. I love a great book with a lot of plot twists! They're so exciting to read. :)

  10. This does sound interesting! I might check it out! Thanks again Olivia for leaving so many awesome comments on my blog!

  11. This seems like a great book with an amazing plot, you know, one of those: Who on earth could come up with such an out of the box book. I really want to read this book and loved the great review. The colours were a little weird but I loved your review and the beginning part. Was the orange the blurb on the book?

    1. Yes, the orange was the blurb and I will make that clearer in the future! I did love it and I hope you will to, whenever you read it!

  12. That's cool that you're participating in a book tour. Legacy seems like a pretty good book! I really want to get my hand on it now, lol. I understand how you feel about YA. It's often much and more of the same. Personally I hadn't read a YA book in year, XD. But that's more because I feel a bit old for that, rather than because I'm bored by the genre, lol.

    1. I don't think anyone is too old for YA, but then again, it is a more personal choice. This is definitely one of the more mature YA though, so feel free to try it :D
